Lines of Credit

Convenient: Access capital whenever you need it

Affordable: Keep a low balance to save on interest

Easy: You don’t need a high credit score to qualify

Efficient: No need to reapply when you want more cash

Line Of Credit

Lending Overview

Seasonal slumps in revenue can mean trouble meeting expenses like payroll, rent, and utilities. Lines of credit can boost your cash flow and keep your finances afloat all year long. When you open a line of credit, you have access to cash right away that you can use anywhere your business needs it. With each payment back into your account, you free up room to borrow again. Lines of credit work a lot like business credit cards, but with higher credit limits and lower interest rates. They let you borrow from your account as often as needed and only charge interest on your current balance. If you have a zero balance, you won’t pay any interest charges. This makes them a great tool to have for emergencies. Having a line of credit in your back pocket means you won’t have to seek a new loan every time you want more working capital. Ask a broker for details.

The Funding Lane

How to Effectively Apply Funds

The beauty of lines of credit is that they’re very flexible. You can apply funds to any business expense you have, as long as your credit limit covers it. Instead of applying for one loan, only to discover you didn’t borrow enough, you can apply once for a line of credit and have access to funds as many times as you need. If you’re confident in your credit score, try an unsecured line of credit that doesn’t require collateral. If you want to leverage your assets, get a secured line that offers a higher credit limit. Either way, whenever you make a payment, you open up room to borrow again. Except for non-revolving accounts, your credit line will stay open as long as you meet the minimum payment requirements. Your broker can tell you more.


Many industries rely on seasonal income to pay bills the rest of the year. But that can make it hard to meet expenses all year long. A line of credit can help you retain your business’s talent in the off-season or bring in helping hands to prepare for the seasonal rush.


If you bid on work as part of your business, you’re restricted by the resources you have. With a line of credit, you can bring in more materials or personnel to take on bigger jobs. Grow faster and keep your momentum going when you access a line of credit to boost your working capital.


It’s impossible to plan for every scenario and even the best-managed businesses can find themselves in a bind. Lines of credit are a low-cost way to build a contingency plan. Lines with a zero balance are inexpensive to maintain, but give you access to immediate capital when you need it most.

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We believe that the more you know, the better the decisions you make. And in the financing world, better decisions mean lower rates, better terms, and increased profitability.

These FAQs are only the start. Our team is here to answer all of your questions and support you in finding the best financing solution for your unique scenario.

Q. What are secured vs. unsecured lines of credit?
A secured line of credit uses an asset to secure the loan. This can be real estate, equipment, or shares in your company. Unsecured lines rely on your credit to determine the loan and don’t require assets to qualify.
Q. Is it hard to get a business line of credit?
It is more difficult to qualify for a business line of credit than a business credit card. Most business owners qualify for a business credit card to purchase assets and cover expenses when they launch, but lenders want to see a history of cash flow before approving a business line of credit. To identify the right lender and to get the best rates, it is recommended to work with a qualified broker who can evaluate your business and find the right lender to meet your objectives.
Q. Should I get a credit card or a line of credit?
Although they’re similar, credit cards and lines of credit aren’t exactly the same. Most credit cards are unsecured loans, which means they require a minimum credit score to qualify. Your credit score will also determine the amount of your credit limit. Lines of credit can be secured, allowing you to borrow up to the value of an asset without needing a high credit score. Interest rates on lines of credit are also typically lower than most credit cards offer.
Q. How can I get the best deal on a line of credit?
You can waste time shopping around online for a line of credit, or you can save time and money by working with a broker. Brokers have access to lender deals you won’t get online and can customize your options.

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